Sex shop school sponsorship stoush

Sex shop school sponsorship stoush



This is the exact spot where Alfred Kinsey wanted his Work to begin, therefore opening up his Sick Dreams of a Pandora’s Box to the World via a Sexual Revolution, that would be cross generational between Elder & Younger in the Sex Revolution.


Coming across this Article, of Sex Shops Sponsoring Sex Education, says a lot by its actions.


An the Tyrants in Govt & Dept Of Justice, let this action continue, makes you wonder in how many other schools this has happened too.


Alfred Kinsey, knew by Sexualizing the Children at a Younger age, inc, those Vulnerable with Disabilities, they would fall into a world of not only Sex Addiction & Porn Addiction, but would also fulfill his Sick Child Sex Fantasies.


His actions were also used to condition the Public, that these Sexual Actions were OK, Kinsey Paid Money as well to Anyone in Govt & Dept Of Justice to help further his Research, even linking to Child Sex, which still happens today, via the Kinsey Research Institute, an it’s connections to NAMBLA, The Fake Child Porn Squads so, the Officers can get there Orgasms on Child Porn Legally, an still happens today even in Australia.


An the Govt & Dept Of Justice of his day, backed him up with his work, as they all worked together as One Unit, continuing Alfred Kinsey’s Work, Conditioning the Public on Porn Addiction, inc. Child Porn & Sex Addiction, inc. Child Sex Addiction, sad but true.

sexual revolution

sexual revolution (Photo credit: cdrummbks)

Rudd replaces Gillard: I have a bad feeling about this.

Well last night we heard the Results that Kevin Rudd, now replaces Julia Gillard as Prime Minister.

I remember when I was 1st old enough to Vote, an there was no Rudd or Gillard fighting for the role of Prime Minister.

Instead it was Howard for the Liberal Party Nationals, I forgot who represented labour at the time, an then there was what I would probably considered the Wildcard Vote, Pauline Hanson, who got my Vote.

Sure enough, Howard Won the Election, an I still remember what he did in his 1st year as PM, an this was before Islam attacked the World Trade Centers on 9th of September.

Howard practically gave free trips for Muslims to go on Hajj, which I found very odd at the time.

Then not long after that, into 2001 an we got the attacks on Sept the Eleventh.

I was interstate at the time, in fact in the ACT, in Australia, an I was considered on Hot Real Estate should there be any attack from the Muslims in the time I was there.

I do know the Muslims did plan to attack the Israeli Embassy at the time, I heard about that on the News.

Since that time, Australia’s Defense Force has been sent overseas, leaving many Australians, feeling unprotected in there own Backyard, by the Tyrants that run our Country, from Politics to the Dept Of Justice.

Rudd claims that he is back in Touch with the community, but with things which will be very short lived for him, with Time very Short for the upcoming Election this year.

It’s why I say………. I have a bad feeling about this, just like that heard in not only Star Wars, but also Indiana Jones.

There is something in the air, an whether people have noticed it or not, an With Australia’s National Debt still rising each day, an Kevin Rudd wanting Australians to Keep a Positive Outlook on it, He is sorely Mistaken, as he too will continue to increase Australia’s National Debt, by whatever he does.

The Dept Of Justice, can’t do nothing to Stop Australia’s National Debt Rising.

Well when the next set of elections came up in my lifetime, I voted for Howard, an Again for the Following, The Last Election was for the Labor Party, knowing in my gut they were going to Win it.

With this Election, whether, I’ll be there to Vote for it or Not, I have no Idea, or whether I’ll be home in the Following Year.

With the Tyrants in Power here in Australia, from Govt to Dept Of Justice, scapegoating the public for crimes, they can Legally Get Away With.

I’d Gladly make Thomas Jefferson a Prime Minister of Australia, instead of the Tyrants we have now in Politics & Dept Of Justice, an I’d let him Head the Dept of Justice as well.

With Labor in Politics there is always the Underlying Issue for Australia to Vote itself in as a Republic, an Separate itself from its Monarch, It wouldn’t surprise me by any means, that these Politicians will enforce Australia to become a Republic Nation, without any Votes or Voting needed, by that we would have to completely re-establish not only the Laws in this country, but also our Politics.

Would it be a bad thing, others have said yes, an others have said no.

It still wouldn’t stop our connection to the Monarchy, but instead of a Prime Minister, we would have a President.

Even the Queen isn’t to fussed if we go to a Republic, no different than what Canada did.

Whatever Happens in This Election.